Ajayla Fzc
map-marker Brea, California

Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry - Dentures Review from Brea, California

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Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry - Dentures Review from Brea, California

Saved my money for years, went to cancun cosmetic dentistry for snapon dentures. Had 20+ teeth removed over a few hours with local anestesia.

Horribly PAINFUL! had implants put in and then snapped dentures in. Dentures were gigantic and looked ridiculous. After 2 weeks all but 3 implants started coming out..have now paid to have standard dentures made in California, look much better.

I basically threw 11,000 in the toilet. DONT THINK IT WONT HAPPEN TO YOU. DO NOT GET DENTAL WORK DONE HERE.

The top implants were not even screwed into my jawbone. They were just in gum tissue so they didnt stand a chance.

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Reason of review:
Bad quality
Bettyjean Zaj

Sorry to hear of your experience. I am wondering why you didn’t have IV sedition , and why you didn’t go back to correct the issues you encountered? I do know if you have too much vertical bone loss even mini implants won’t work.


Hey I’m in the same boat right now. I was hoping maybe you could tell me what you did to have it fixed


People! Please do not go out of the country for medical/dental procedures!

There is no legal or other recourse you have if something goes wrong. I am constantly astonished that people are duped into believing they can guarantee great results. You are left with no avenue to recoup your money (not to mention pain and suffering) if something goes wrong. Do you even know if they are using sterile instruments/supplies?

Are the nurses/assistants trained? What implants are they using? What are they made of?

I realize its less money and people think they can throw in a vacation too but you get what you pay for. Please for your own health and safety think before you go.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1209469

Seems like you're an American dentist loosing patients, try harder ;)

Michalina Afq

That is so sad. The only thing that I could call these people are sociopaths.

Bayley Pnn

I am so sorry for your experience. I just went in February and had the snap in dental procedure with 22 teeth removed, palate lifted, infected gums...mouth was a mess.

I personally could not have done such a thing without i.v. sedation. When I went in to review the wax teeth and how they fit in my mouth, they asked me if I was happy with the shade, shape etc. of my teeth and there is paperwork that you sign saying you are happy.

Why didn't you complain at the time and have them make the changes then? Also they were very clear that if any of the implants failed (and implants DO fail) that they would replace that implant literally replace it in another or similar position. Sometimes the bone rejects the implant. I'm a paralegal and I researched failed implants and dental complaints here in the US and the complaints were MASSIVE.

Cancun Dental guarantees their implants for five years and their paperwork is very clear. I had concerns about how my bottom jaw was healing and one implant in particular. They have called me DAILY, I've spoken with the dentist, sent pictures and followed their instructions. Sure enough I'm making vast improvements.

I am going back at the end of April just to have xrays done and get my top realigned (I've healed very quickly there and the gums have shrunk as expected). The staff has been so responsive and caring and the cost was drastically less even with my flying back in April compared to the $42,000 it would have cost me in the states, I spent $10,150 and I have never had the service in this country from a dentist that I am receiving from these wonderful people.

Again, I'm sorry for your experience but curious why you didn't pursue the iv sedation, express your dissatisfaction with the wax teeth and finally go back and take advantage of the 5 year warranty on your implants? I'm glad you're happy now but that is a lot of money to have spent and be unhappy!

reply icon Replying to comment of Bayley Pnn

thanks for sharing your experience. If you look at the xray I posted, you can see the implants aren't even in the actual jawline.

The Xray was taken by the dentist. He did not even bother to look at the Xray before sending me home. I also provided an Xray of my mouth prior to scheduling any work or booking a flight to Cancun. It is clear to every U.S.

dentist that has reviewed my case that bone grafting was necessary before implants could be attempted but the dentist in Cancun did not even mention it to me. I also did extensive research prior to my dental work. I am not a dentist or a dental expert . I realized that implants could fail but ALL of them a week later?

They failed because they were never inserted into my bone.

Sure they are guaranteed but after finding out that the work I had done at Cancun Costmetic Dentistry was negligent and improper by 2 U.S. dental implant experts, I couldn't see spending more money to travel to Cancun, to HOPE they would do it right the second time.

Bayley Pnn
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1137104

I completely understand!!!


Same exact situation down to the severe pain, even extended our stay because they could not get denture to "snap" in what a joke, I use the term loosely but dr. does not describe any of these people, very incompetent. Used extreme excessive force to force denture in place and broke the headrest, I heard a loud crack asked him what was that crack, he said he didnt know I said it sounded as if you cracked the denture, but day later implats failed.I can not stress enough DO NOT GO TO CANCUN DENTAL.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-963281

I am so sorry this happened to you too. The website is very misleading.

I failed to mention in my original posting about how much trouble they had trying to snap the dentures in the first time. Since my implants were placed crooked, the dentist (I use this term loosely) came up with an order of how to snap them in, front first, then left side, then right side.

There is no way a patient would know how crazy that sounds unless they had some knowledge of implant dentistry. I understand your frustration unfortunately.

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map-marker Cancun, Quintana Roo

Complaint: Terrible Experience Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry German Arzate

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Complaint: Terrible Experience Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry German Arzate
Complaint: Terrible Experience Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry German Arzate - Image 2
Complaint: Terrible Experience Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry German Arzate - Image 3

I went to the clinic to have SIX old veneers changed because over time they had discolored, nothing was wrong with my teeth otherwise. Dr. Arzate advised to do eight teeth for aesthetic reasons and I agreed. The drilling started and my nightmare began. Instead of veneers I was prepped for TEN crowns with devastating results. The emergency trip home began so I could get to a Canadian dentist as soon as possible. His negligence caused me to be treated for severe gum infection, plastic particles left embedded inside the upper gums that had to be surgically removed. All teeth were drilled over the natural margins, leaving gaps between the hideous large crowns and gum line. I had to have several root canals performed because he drilled to deeply through healthy teeth enamel while prepping for crowns I never asked for. Also needed gum replacement surgery. Two of my upper back teeth were so savagely drilled into that they became loose/mobile and the only option for them is implants.

All teeth had to have crown lengthening surgeries done on them to prepare for the new set of crowns that were better fitting, natural color, and of far Superior quality than the ones he hastily chose after he had to cancel my veneers from the lab that the office manger (Camillia Arzate) ordered. All of these corrective surgeries that were done to salvage what was left wich took over a year to complete and I am still not done. So far it has cost me over thirty thousand dollars and by the time I'm finished it will be approximately forty thousand.

No refund ever came or apology, only dreadful letters trying to bully me into not telling my story to the public. I have included several photos with my review so readers will have an idea of what a naive dental trip has put me through. I know the clinic has paid monies to have some reviews removed, as it has been reported by others as well. Ironic isn't it, that he has money to spend on that but doesn't seem to care enough to contact patients to offer financial assistance or even return original monies paid to the clinic for services not rendered. Very sad indeed! And defiantly in contrast to his public persona presented in their internet marketing.

I did read some comments that the clinic has stated they were never on national news in Canada but I am here to tell you otherwise. Dr.Arzate was profiled on Global National News Network In Canada. It was a three part segment about the pitfalls of dental tourism. Myself among others were filmed during this news broadcast regarding our experience with Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry formally known as Dental Maya. To this end, I hope my experience will serve the public in a positive way and send a message that if you are contemplating a dental tourism vacation that you should do as much research as possible and protect yourself as best you can. I had this experience with ONE clinic and I am not implying that there are not good dentists in Mexico because I am not narrow minded or believe that. I just chose a bad one and did not do enough research or even think about not having any recourse if things went wrong. Which they inevitably did.

To the owners of Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry, at any time you would like to refund my money and apologize to me, you can notify me and I will post the outcome to the public so they will know if my case has been resolved or not.

View full review
Reason of review:
Horrible Dentistry

Preferred solution: Refund all the money paid already to the clinic and doctor. Cover the cost of the corrective surgeries I have had to do. Thank you!


seriously, going to a developing country for medical/ dental fealth provedures o save money? It's no surprise there are problems.


What a terrible ordeal, the dentist obviously has no morals. I've decided against a dental trip till Mexico can provide protection against such quacks!

Thanks for the information and review.


He should have his dental licence revoked. All my dental work had to be redone as well.

Cancun needs to get a dental board to oversee these tourism dentists and provide protection for patients.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1046230

Cancun needs a dental board to protect tourists? If you can afford a vacation to Cancun, you can afford to go to a licensed dentist at home.

Dentistry, surgery, healthcare is NOT a tourism product or activity.

It's tragic what has happened but the US and Canada have stringent education and licensing requirements for a reason.

The majority of the cost is to pay for the medical/dental professional's expertise, although dental devices are not cheap.


I am so sorry for your devastating experience in Cancun. Thank you so much for this review and supporting photos.


Over and over again I see patients who go offshore to get what they think will be a great deal in dental care.

When they return, I see overtreatment and grossly negligent treatment. The patients have to pay me to fix things that should not have been done to start with.

I have traveled extensively and gone to international dental conventions.

I have worked in an office in Colombia and one in Peru. Many people who practice as dentists in Latin America never went to dental school. They were just dental assistants who got their name forged on a diploma.

Many governments of Latin America do not bother to prosecute these imposters.

Thank goodness the pitfalls of offshore dental tourism is publicized in Canada. Our patients don't hear a peep about these problems!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-924524

Great points made! So many of these clinics exaggerate their qualifications and make absurd claims.

Bet this patient will never hear from them or receive a refund. Its a one shot deal and the cards are all in their favour because even if they invite patients to return to fix work, who among them would actually make such a mistake twice?! Sorry for those that took a chance and learned the hard way.

Those caps by the way look very cheap and large, that infection sure shows the clinics speciality! Hope it all got fixed and your story helps those looking into these dental trips.


Certain dentists should read up on codes of ethics and follow them!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-907047

some of these people are not even trained professionals. No formal school at all.

People need to be more careful when selecting healthcare providers.

Its not the same as picking someone to change your tire....you can actually die from poorly (or not even) trained dentists and doctors. Be smart people

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1209556

My wife and I both had dental work with Dr German.

Both us left with the uneasy felling and problems.

My wife went with me and while they were performing surgery on Dental implants they talked her into removing silver fillings and redoing them I guess with white acrylic she ended up with them prepping and did 4 crowns in her lower mouth.

After a week of repairs she ended up with ill fitting crowns, margins exposed. Pain that was unbearable.

We returned home and her dentist here in Florida she said they were good teeth and the work quality was hurendus!!

She is now going through a complete lower replacement crowns and who knows what it will cost to clean up the mess.

I left cancun with surtures in lower front jaw stitches came out and now have total bone exposure between implants. I'm now being cared for by a periondis and implant doctor here in Florida. Stay away from these people.

When doing my research about them and saw no apparent problems all ratings were great. I guess they made up all these from friends and family.

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Verlyn Wcc
map-marker Cancun, Quintana Roo

Resolved: Implants failed

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Updated by user Jul 22, 2015

I was contacted by Cancun cosmetic Dentistry and they have worked with me to find a solution that I am satisfied with. They are refunding my money for the work that did not take. I understand that there is always risk when you deal with health care and they are working with me and that is all I ask.

Original review Jun 26, 2015

I had planned on having 6 large implants in my upper jaw. When I woke up I had 8 minis instead of the 6 regular size. there was no talk about installing the minis and had there been I would expressed that I had no interest in minis. I felt like I was taking advantage of while I was under. He said the reason for the change was that I did not have enough bone to support the large implants however this was never brought up prior to me being put under. But I got over it and decided to make the best of a bad situation and moved forward with what I had. The problem came later as they started to fail and come loose. I went down for another check up and to install the 2 crowns on the lower 2 implants that where also implanted at the same time as the 8 minis. (the crowns are another story) and he removed all 8 minis because 2 had fallen out and the remainder (except one) where loose so he installed 8 new minis and reminded me over and over about how he was such a nice guy to do it for free. However they started to loosen up with-in weeks and I had to have them removed also. So as of now I had a new upper denture made (by a different Doctor that's saying he is one and I'm not so sure) and I am starting the process to have bone added and all the work re-done here in the USA.

As for the crowns they where loose with-in a week and my dentist at home had to try to tighten them up but there loose again and he will need to remake the crowns. The implants appear so far to be working but my dentist was surprised by the small size that he used plus the crowns are very large and just very poor workmanship. My dentist has been very good about fixing Dr. German's work all the while trying not to run him down either. I wasted over 10k

Last but not least I had a sinus lift done for 3K the problem is I have had CT scans before and after and there is no sign that the sinus lift was every done.

In closing save your money for a Dr. that will give you good service. I understand that any medical work is a gamble but poorly built crowns and paying for a sinus lift I never got is plain thievery.

View full review
  • People where very friendly
  • Workmanship
Reason of review:
Bad quality

Preferred solution: Price reduction

Verlyn Wcc


I never did get the refund I was promised for the sinus lift. On Dec24th I will be getting the sinus lift done here at home and I will also be getting bone grafting because of the 2 attempts to install mini's (that I never wanted) I have lost additional bone.

If I can give any advice save your money and get the work done close to home for two reason:

1. If there are issues by the time to fly back and forth it would have been cheaper to have gotten the work at home anyhow.


If there are issues at home there is a way to get resolution and in Mexico there is no one to call if the dentist wont work with you.

Buyer beware


The dental work I had done there had to be all re-done. Just atrocious dental work.

If they want the dental industry to grow in Cancun, then they really need to create a system that protects dental tourists instead of one that leaves patients unprotected and these so called "dentists" such as him not facing a dental board for his negligence. Sparkymike, hope the experience you had will make travelling patients reconsider even doing a dental trip, or at the very least NOT picking Dr.German for major dental work.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1006363

Completely agree with not choosing Dr. German Arzate and doing whatever it takes to have dental work done at home.

Until Cancun has some sort of dental board overseeing these tourism dentists and have protection for patients, it is a huge risk. Especially if you choose his clinic.

Mariona Hkl
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1006363

I have spent over $35,000, maybe more. I am permanently disabled by the whole dental staff.

I can't speak right, cannot eat and won't leave the house. I was screaming in pain after the bone graft surgery. I was told that we had to stay 10 long expensive days, to have the outcome of surgery monitored from our hotel room. I had my patient call the office to ask for something for pain.

The coordinator said that they will not see me anymore nor monitor me at all(which is failure of bone graft). He said we disrespected him. No one came and saw me after surgery. Due to the pain my husband had to get more money wired to get us home early, loosing 5 days already paid for with no monitoring after surgery.

The second day after surgery I couldn't even make it to the bathroom I was so weak. Do when my husband called, they wanted me to go outside, grab a bus, walk about two miles to their office. I'm anemic and during surgery I didn't get blood transfusions as I normally had done in the US involving other surgeries. I no longer have a gum.

I have no way to have teeth and my once pretty face is squished and caved in. Where the bone and gum were was massive white stuff,membranes and stitches all over the place. The pressure and pain now, 4 weeks later, is extreme. They were nice before I gave them money.

After surgery, the coordinator put my husband and I in a cab and we never saw him.

This is fraud and they should be held accountable. This coordinator and his doctor/partner are as dishonest as they come...very manipulative.

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Bayley Pnn
map-marker Cancun, Quintana Roo

My experience with Dr. German Arzate, Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I had 22 teeth extracted, my palate lifted and 8 mini implants on the bottom, 8 on the top and snap in dentures. I had this done on February 29th, it's March 27 today.

My mouth was a mess! Failed root canals, teeth broken off at the gum line, infected gums. I had the iv sedation and my surgery took 3.5 hours. I'm still healing but what an amazing difference!

This man is also an artist, literally with a great eye. He pointed out things I hadn't even noticed. I realize everyone's experience is different but I have found the staff to be amazingly responsive, the place was immaculate and they have called to check up on me weekly since I got home. I had some concerns about my bottom denture and how my bottom jaw is healing and they responded right away.

I am going back in late April just to make sure everything is healing properly. I have no pain and people actually thought I had my lips filled. It took 10 years off my face, no more sinus problems, stomach issues are better (I was swallowing all that bacteria).

I am a very to the point person so if I had issues I would not hesitate to say so. Love these people.

View full review
  • Price
  • Quality of the work
  • Staff is amazing
Reason of review:
Good customer service

It sounds like the same Dr. German Arzate came down here to write his own good reviews.

Just stay away from this so-called "doctor". He is a butcher.

Bayley Pnn
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1325712

I assure you I wrote the review, this was my experience, sorry it wasn't yours. Lucky? Maybe but the concern, followup and quality were above my expectations, I was very nervous about going....I'm glad I went and would go again.


Luck of the draw....dental tourism is like Russian roulette. Especially at that clinic!


Stay in America or Canada to fix your teeth, Cancun/Mexico laws does not protect you nor do they have a public data site to check dentists track records. You would be shocked to learn what this so called "dentist" has gotten away with.

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Baron Rau
map-marker Orlando, Florida

Internet complaints!

I was thinking about going to Cancun MX for dental bridge and would like to have a reliable dentist but after seeing these revues i am a little scared to do so,does anyone out there have any good recommendation for a great dentist in Mexico and please be honest about these overseas dental business i don't have money to burn that is why i am willing to go overseas to get the job done in USA they want $ 16K for what i can get in Mexico for about $3K i know there is competitions out there and i am ok with that but i do not want to be scamed by anyone can't aford it???...So please help me to find the right Dentist in MX or any where else for that matter i live in Orlando FL and Cancun is the closest to me i think.... i have to have 100 words to complete this post so now i will be ranting to compleed this long post are all the dentist in MX bad?


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Hahaha, so there is thousands of dentists located in Mexico but you are picking one using a complaints board. Yea right, what a load of ....

Must be slow business in there?!


Hi Anna, i had massive work done in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry and everything went great. I know they have some bad reviews in here, but i think there's always two sides of the story and it is very easy to post anonymous without someting to prove what you're saying.

I had upper All on 4, crowns and implants on the lower and everything was good, i have no complain about the doctor or the staff, everyone treated me very kindly and every procedure was explained to me. So, i know it's a gamble to go overseas to get dental work done but for me has been great.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1010592

Thank you Hopestar! What do you know about Ocean dental in cancun?

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1010616

I was loking into them also, but i decided on Cancun cosmetic dentistry because despite this few bad reviews, they have a lot more good reviews and videos of patients saying good things, i didn't even went to an appointment at Ocean Dental. If you want, i can give you the email of the person that arrange everything for me.

She was always very helpful even with my hotel reservations and it's not part of her work! I think you should definetly at least go to an appointment if you're going to Cancun anyway.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1010682

That would be great i will check them both out! I am not so sure about these internet reviews good or bad!!!




Stay in Florida to do the dental work or go to a dental school there, but whatever you do, don't go to Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-996043

WHY?? I was thinking of going to Ocean dental in Cancun for a Bridge!!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1010605

This entire thread is fake to get business. Beware, readers!

Mariona Hkl
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1010605

Don't go there....It's not true what they say or do.please listen

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map-marker Cancun, Quintana Roo

Implants failed miserably

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

had two implants done in 2011-12.

within one year they became loose, one actually broke.

upon dental surgeons exam discovered the implant itself not just the stud had broke.

contacted cancun cosmetic dentistry and they offered to fix the issue if I returned to mexico.

now why would I risk oral surgery to remove the broken implant by the very people who screwed up the procedure to begin with.

I will use the safer if costlier route of an American surgeon.

however if cancun cosmetic dentistry would like to cover that cost I would welcome that solution

I have had two implants done in the US without a single issue. One loose implant I might understand but two seems more than coincidence, Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry would have me believe it is the forces of my jaw but funny thing is the rest of my dental work which has not failed is subject to the same forces

View full review
  • Great salesmanship
  • Workmanship
Reason of review:
Damaged or defective

Sorry about the implants. You put the loss at 8,000 dollars, surely it will be more once you tally up the new procedures needed to fix them.


Same issue and same dilemma. I did not go back to let them fix my teeth.

Was worried they would cause more damage in the process. Sorry it happened to you as well.


They wont pay the costs of flying back or accommodation either. The clinic should take the ethical route and pay for the costs of you're repair work.

The warranty policy may look good at a glance but it would be highly inadvisable to return to the same clinic that botched the job they should of done properly in the first place. According to their own pumped up advertising, they are "implantoligists" first off, there is no such word in the field of dentistry, second if they are actually "experts" why are you in the predicament you are in?!

Asking for refunds of money and requesting that they pay for corrective surgeries is acceptable and should be done immediately instead of some posts trying to convince people they have a solution. Complete fail....for sure.


Remember your mouth may travel south but your rights do not. Until Mexico has an legitimate central data base in which foreign consumers can check a dentist for violations it will continue to be a gamble.

Not knowing beforehand that a dentist has complaints can be disastrous.

I believe the clinic and dentist referred to here was profiled on Canadian television for some terrible acts. Protect that smile its the only one you have.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-904314

So true!

Anthoni Tsx

Hello 'anonymous', the response of the implants can vary from patient to patient, and even from different implants in the same patient depending on the use, the bone reaction and density and the care you give them.

​Now, dental implants can break, yes they can, in fact when that happens, we also have a warranty with the manufacturer, such as Nobel, biocare, Straumann, Zimmer, etc, and they send a new one, they are aware of this matter, and it can happen. On another hand, your body can naturally reject dental implants, which means, even the implants placed in the USA could be rejected too, there are many factors such as bone density, care, personal hygiene, etc​. We need your full name to check on your case and your file, we want to remind you, you do have a warranty and we are always open, our phone is open, we are willing to ​help you, please contact your dental planner we provided when you came and we will find a solution for you as we do with all our patients.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

These posts by Danielmartin look like damage control. Has posted under every complaint.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

Is it hunting season already?! High seasons runs from Nov-March time to catch all them snowbirds willing to risk it. Cruising complaint boards hoping to convince people of respectability and accountability but leaving mostly fairy tales and empty promises.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

I am not buying what you are selling. I think you are just trying to salvage you're reputation!

Nor will many of us utilize this offer because you are no longer trusted at all.

The orginal person complaing on this posts wants what many want and that is for you to pay for corrections out of your own pockets. That request is justifiable.

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Everything went great for me.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I had massive work done in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry and everything went great. I know they have some bad reviews in here, but i think there's always two sides of the story and it is very easy to post anonymous without someting to prove what you're saying.

I had upper All on 4, crowns and implants on the lower and everything was good, i have no complain about the doctor or the staff, everyone treated me very kindly and every procedure was explained to me.

So, i know it's a gamble to go overseas to get dental work done but for me has been great. Im' still in Cancun having vacations and just in case i need some adjustment to be done.

View full review
  • People where very friendly
  • Great salesmanship
Reason of review:
Fair pricing
1 comment

I had massive work there that all failed. Everything had to be redone.

Stay in your own country to have dental work. Until Cancun can come up with a dental board to oversee tourism dentists and provide protection for customers, It is a huge risk, especially if you pick this clinic.

Numa Ogl
map-marker Cancun, Quintana Roo

Implants failing

had two implants done in 2012 in Cancun, mx by Cancun cosmetic dentistry (Dr. German). did a good deal of online research and found no reported problems at the time. the office was in a shopping mall, small but efficient and seemed very professional. everything was fine at first.

late in 2013 one implant began to loosen and finally snapped at the post in January 2014, now in April 2014 the second implant is also beginning to loosen.

contacted them and asked about a remedy not even expecting any guaranty at this point, got an initial response but no contact since.

my feeling is I will get no follow up or possible remedy from Dr. German.

something is not right with the work done and any savings will be

surely lost and them some trying to correct poorly done procedures. I guess I got scammed!

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Yes returning to the same clinic that did the inadequate dental treatments in the first place may be dodgy. Especially when it concerns major work.

Does this dentist also offer to pay for flights and accommodation? Being reimbursed fully and assistance with funds to pay for corrections would be the honorable thing to do.

You are correct in asking them to do this, under normal circumstances this would be acceptable. Best of luck!


Until Mexico has an ligitimate central data base in which foreign consumers can check a dentist out for violations will continue to make it a gamble. Not knowing whether a dentists has complaints against them is a recipe for disaster.

I believe the dentist in question has been profiled on Canadian television for some questionable and unethical behavior. Protect that smile its the only one you have.


ok well now that both implants have loosened and one is actually broken requiring oral surgery to replace I must disagree.

yes they have offered to fix the problem, but why would I fly back to Mexico to have the people who screwed up in the first place try to correct a problem they created.

no I have no trust in them

have two other American transplants that have no issues.

mayube they would cover the cost of fixing it here in the states, probably not!

Anthoni Tsx
reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-893171

Hello 'Appetites', the work was done under the protocol​, but the response of the implants can vary from patient to patient, and even from different implants in the same patient depending on the use, the bone reaction and density and the care you give them. Your body can naturally reject dental implants, which means, even the implants placed in the USA can be rejected too. We need your full name to check on your case and your file, we want to help you, please contact your dental planner we provided when you came and we will find a solution for you as we do with all our patients.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

These posts from Danielmartin are looking like damage control. Has posted under every complaint made.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

You actually don't have allot of patients so why don't you just call him and send the money he is respectfully owned so he can pay to have you're clinics dental work redone. Your files are not that big........lulz.

Anthoni Tsx

Hello 'Appetites'. No you did not get scammed, it sounds more like a lack of communication between you and your dental planner.

You do have a warranty, we provide warranty in all our dental pieces, including implants. In fact we do have announced in all our webpages and we even have youtube videos of some patients speaking about the warranty we gave them. There is nothing hidden here, if you have a problem the only thing you have to do is get in touch with us. You lost your implants and yes it can happen, anywhere, i am sorry to tell you.

Most important thing here is your oral health, so if you want to discuss it just remember you also do have a warranty, if you need help with your treatment your name needs to be provided instead of remaining anonymous. Just call us and we are always open.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

Is it hunting season already?! Trying to catch all them snowbirds looking for cheap dental responding everywhere there is a complaint, even ones that were made years ago.

High season for this industry Nov-March. Seems this is when certain clinics beef up their advertising which include fairy-tales ,and empty promises.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

"You did not get scammed" says the people that kept the money. Lulz......to funny unless you are the one paying for the corrections like this fella.


I know how you feel. I've also had to fix the dental work done there.

Like you there was no refund and no remedy! Sorry you had a bad experience. This is some serious BS what they are doing to all of us.

How do they look at themselves. Must be really hard up.

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Truth C
map-marker Burnaby, British Columbia

Many Complaints Dr. German Arzate Miracle Dentures

Get yourself's far away as possible from Dr. German Arzate of Miracle Dentures, Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry, Cancun Top Dental, Snap on Dentures and Dental Maya. That's right, ask yourself's why in the *** does a doctor have several internet business names if he is trying to build a reputable dentistry clinic. This is all been with the help of his spin doctor/marketing patient manager who happens to be a family member Camilia A Garza. Many of the legitimate complaints include but not limited to failed implants, teeth prepped over the biological margins resulting in extensive corrective surgeries, failed cosmetic procedures, crowning and root canals done on the wrong teeth, ill fitted crowns, broken, cracked, and warped dental bridges, loss of gum health and loss of teeth, infections, failed veneers, and the list grows. One complaint involved a child from the united states.

This will continue............. The websites are stunning but the dental procedures are shockingly poor. Its all been a money making scheme. Not one ex patient who complained received an apology or a refund. They would rather try and harass and bully injured dental tourists in the attempt to keep them silent and spend more time and money on marketing than pay restitution . If you thought this was bad enough they also plaster the internet with spam and chase up behind anyone that attempts to reveal the truth. This type of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere including Mexico. Its disgraceful and brings great shame to the honest professionals providing dental tourists with optimum dental care.

This information is a public warning and provided in the best interest of the public.

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Why would anyone go to Mexico for anything that requires sanitation???

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-2118934

There are good dentists in Mexico and overseas. You have to do research and find them.

The reason why people go out of the US to get dental work done is because the dentists in the US charge thousands more than what the work they do is worth. Do you really think a crown is a $2000 plus procedure? No it’s not. The dentist is downright taking advantage of the fact you need teeth and if you are missing teeth you are embarrassed because of your smile.

My husband had dental work done in Mexico for $2000 and it looks amazing. The dentist in the US would have charge over $20,000. Find a dentist out of the country whom is reasonable and reliable. Stop letting US dentists take advantage of people to get rich quick.

Plus, our government is coming up with so many regulations for denytidts to follow. Yes, our dentists need to be regulated on some things but the regulations have gotten out of hand and ridiculous. Without customers they will be forced to start charging reasonable prices so people don’t need to go out of our country to afford dental care. We live in the US for crying out loud.

Dental care and good smiles should never be out of reach for anyone. Mmm it one person deserves a terrible smile.


I wrote the above comment, and Because I am not signed in it automatically label's me as anonymous. My name is Nicole from America and I am proud of what I said!!! And I meant to write the word Fair, Not fear!

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1819154


Mariona Hkl

German should not be in practice. He's not a good man much less a dentist

reply icon Replying to comment of Mariona Hkl

Talk to me about this so called "dentist" I have been suffering for over 2 years with implants put in the wrong places, infections, implants had to be taken out, I am out of 50K as of today and I am not done yet. Worst experience in my life...This is for you GERMAN ARZATE so you don't come after me with your fake accusations and threatening letters....THIS IS MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND OPINION... ( Happy now?)


and a fractured jaw too


stay away waste of time and money morally insufficient and rude at 1st he promises you the world when your in trouble double talk

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-1628692

here i am 6 months later and am screwed by what dr azarte did to me


Dr german Arzate is s money grabbing loar poor communication snd even worse work unfulfilled promises DO NOT GO HERE you are being set up gor pain,failure ,and more pain

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Jenita Una

Dental Tourism Scam Cancun Mexico

Dental tourists should be aware that Dr. German Arzate practicing at Cancun Top Dental/ Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry clinic, has several complaints against him. Traveling patients should proceed with extreme cation and research this dentists history, credentials, and formal complaints.

This dentist has been reported for gross dental negligence and is unwilling to stand by his claim of quality. No refunded money reported by past patients. The tally of reconstructive medical bills to fix his work has reached proportion amounts of money. With no remorse shown for his ex patients now suffering.

Research carefully before going abroad.

Message from: Consumers against dental tourism scams.

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We are so not impressed by Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry dental crowns. Having them replaced at the moment.

So the crowns if done at home were 850 bucks but went to this clinic and now those same crowns are costing 1,550 each. *** idea to go there and to do it while having a vacation. Would I do it again? never.

Would I recommend this clinic? Absolutely not.


Oh it gets better Matt. That dr.arzate caused a Canadian gal thirty grand in repair work.

Just found it on Realself. com under the title Cancun Cosmetic Dentist Complaint veneers/crowns. The photos show nasty infections and ya gotta see the big chunky crowns he sent her home with. Pete Macmullin made a youtube video and his dental work is messed up as well.

Its going to cost that guy twenty five grand to fix cancun cosmetic dentistry work. There are more people. Like the Gehman family. They wrote about what doc arzate did to their kid on a premed site.

You did yourself a favor man.

Whos next is the question. Not me that's for dam sure.


I just read that Dr. Arzate was taken off the Canadian Consulates dentist referral line in the Yucatan.

I retained information and was told it was because of several complaints. Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry manager Camila, the sister of Dr. German Arzate accused the patients and Canadian dentists of lying. I have spent several months looking into getting implants in Cancun and this clinic by far seems to be known for complaints and a bit shady.

Allot of the dentists claims which I found outlandish to begin with cant be confirmed. Now reading how the dentist is responding to complaints does confirm that it is absolutely not for my spouse and I. We are taking our time and are also considering other areas in Mexico.

I don't have any experience with this dentist just thought i would pass along some information. :roll

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-704997

Yea just read the garble posted by cancun cosmetic dentistry. There is obviously a fair amount of people you never refunded money to.

We can read ya know. I get the impression you think dental tourists are ***. You may not have intended to do bad dental work but you have. Maybe you have bitten off more than you can chew.

Its what you do to them after... that is intentional. Threats, nasty letters and so on. No one has to supply you with anything.

You know who they are.

We can read their stories and watch their videos. So lame man!

Jalesa Mtf

I am Dr German Arzate.THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT DONE BY A PATIENT, AS YOU CAN SEE HERE http://www.pissedconsumer.com/reviews-by-company/cancun-top-dental/severe-botched-dental-work-by-dr-german-arzate-201303****1511.htmlWRITTEN BY THIS SAME USER!!as you can also read here:http://www.cancun-cosmetic-dentistry-reviews.com/2013/08/17/dr-german-arzate-reputation-screwed-by-carlos-zapata-gereshe-cancun-dentist/AND ANSWERING YOUR COMMENT:This dentist has been reported for gross dental negligence and is unwilling to stand by his claim of quality'. No refunded money reported by past patients".

The tally of reconstructive medical bills to fix his work has reached proportion amounts of money". With no remorse shown for his ex patients now suffering:. Research carefully before going abroad!. REPORTED WHERE??CLAIM OF QUALITY?



reply icon Replying to comment of Jalesa Mtf

What the *** is this? you got to be kidding.

It wasnt that dentist on the news for bad dental work it was Dr.Arzate from Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry.

The only clinic to be profiled warning dental tourists about them. So unprofessional and beyond comprehension.

reply icon Replying to comment of Jalesa Mtf

Hey contact the Campbell family in Vancouver they want all their money back and the costs of the repair work. Do you recall the nasty letters you sent to them?

reply icon Replying to comment of Jalesa Mtf

You ask, where are the patients suffering? Well you know very well who they are and where they are German. You admitted to Pete Macmullin and acknowledged his YouTube video but didn't contact him or send him any money back. He is out 25,000 dollars. You admitted to working on Darlene's teeth and her little daughter April's but only gave a measly portion of their payment back and only after you thought they would go to the Medical Tourism Association where you advertise. They still lost 18,000 dollars.

You admitted to Rob and Jen and did nothing for them. They lost 12,000 dollars. You admitted to Julia and you did nothing for her and she has lost 35,000 dollars. Should I continue? Want more?

I have heard more ex patients are tallying up their loses and that will be reveled soon in a very surprising way for you.

You have been reported but the dental system you work under is unregulated which unfortunately is working in your favor. It is taking far to long for your dental licence to be revoked. Wait...do you even have one? You don't display it why? is it because you don't want people to discover you are only a general dentist trying to pass yourself off as a specialist? and perform dental treatments you are not qualified to do. Hence the list of people suffering.

You were reported to the Canadian Consulate office in Cancun Mexico for dental negligence and you were removed from their referral list. You then tried to trick the consulate and put another dentists name (Florian) on the list who worked for you but you were caught and removed permanently.

You do know you have made people suffer and cost them thousands of dollars. It is highly immoral and unethical to deny this fact and not resolving complaints regarding your botched dental work has resulted in you receiving a bad track record, many complaints, and the tittle of the "worst dentist in Cancun".

Is the person that wrote the original post insane you ask... not likely, but I think readers should ask the same about you. What normal human being would cause so much pain to others yet continues on as if nothing is wrong and in fact creates more lies that harms someone else (competitor theory) and all done in the attempt to cover up your own negligence with your ex patients. Cowardly act I must say and allot like how a sociopath behaves.

Its been a pleasure answering some of your questions, any more I can answer for you and clown Cami :)

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-723239

Hi its Robbin, can you refund our money? we paid to get your dodgy dental work redone. You are the biggest joke in our home town dental clinic. I had dentist just come into peek at your shoddy work. I am glad people are avoiding you now. Its karma at its best!

Hi Camille, bet your eyes are blood shot from hovering over your computer screen trying to figure out how to fake your way through all the complaints. :grin

Hope your conscious wakes up one day.


reply icon Replying to comment of Jalesa Mtf

See you have not changed at all since my family got ripped off by you. My family and I went to this clinic and we had to pay to get the work corrected back in Pennsylvania.

This clinic put us in allot of financial debt. They pay to remove complaints so be careful they are not honest.

I do NOT recommend cancun cosmetic dentistry or Dr German.

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Alvon Hdv
map-marker Cancun, Quintana Roo

Some advise for Dental Turists

Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry is run by a general dentist, not a specialist, even though he boasts many specialties. He has at least 10 dental chairs with recent graduates with little or no experience whatsoever working for him.

It is a great money making machine because dental turists do not take the time to "shop around". It is a matter of your health, you are not buying a SONY TV. There are a few well trained, experienced specialists, some are ven US trained. Look them up, do some research on who is going to treat you.

Beware the nice 5 webapages that these dentists have.

Have a good vacation! Good Luck!!!

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Wishing all the best to the good dentists in the world who continue to look out for people and preform fabulous dental work. Knowledge is Powerful and choices unlimited.


Until Mexico has a legitimate data base in which to check whether a dentists has any violations against them it will continue to be a gamble. Not knowing whether a dentist has any complaints against them can have disatrous results.

I believe the dentist this post and complaints about was profiled on national television in Canada. Protect that smile its they only one you have.

reply icon Replying to comment of Guest-904327

It must be high season already. You no the time when complaint boards get corrective responses from certain tourism clinics trying to avoid loosing any of them snowbirds willing to risk it.

High season is from Nov-March and now is the time to post fairy tales and empty promises.

Will the dentist pay for the flights and hotel's when you return for corrective dental work? That's only if you want to take another massive risk going back to them.

Anthoni Tsx

Hi 'periocancun', those are very strong accusations which should not be done without any proof. If you have an evidence that supports your comments, please tell us who you are and bring them up instead of misleading people for personal purposes.

Otherwise please abstain of doing this serious accusations

​by your username, we know you are a periodontist that lives in Cancun, and this is a very sad way to try to make a way stepping on someone else​. Thank you.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

Danielmartin has posted under every complaint. It could make people think it maybe damage control of some sort or another.

reply icon Replying to comment of Anthoni Tsx

Actually I think its great that consumers have other choices and in this case I'm grateful they do. It is recommend to have a specialist do certain work and a perio is far better than a general dentist that is for sure.

Most GD, normally would send certain dental procedures out to them, knowing they are higher skilled and better trained.

As for "a very sad way to try to make a way stepping on someone else" Is that right,your clinic doesn't seem to mind the fact you keep money you don't deserve because the dental work has to be redone by better dentists than you. Now that's beyond Sad.